Saturday, June 7, 2008

May 2008 Pictures

May 2008

Oops, can't figure out how to delete this!

First Blog

Hi all! This is our first blog. We thought we'd join the blogging age to keep everyone updated on the ongoing happenings of the Idaho Hubers!

The most exciting news of recent is of course the news that we're having a little BOY!!!! He's due on September 21st which means we a little over three months to prepare for his arrival. Jessica kind of knows about the baby....we talk about him a lot but I'm not sure how much she actually "gets". It will be interesting to see how it goes when he arrives. She does love other babies though and wants to "help" with them so I think she's going to be a great big sister!

We recently moved Jessica into a "big girl bed" and she's doing AWESOME!! She stays in the bed and doesn't try to get out (at least not yet). She picked out Dora The Explorer sheets and she calls them her "big girl sheets". She loves her bed and she looks so cute in it. We took the crib apart to get it through the door (how come they never fit through the door?). Anyway, we need to put it back together and then we're going to turn the playroom into the nursery for the baby. We're not in a rush because it will be some time before the baby sleeps in there but it's always good to be prepared.

The week before Memorial Day, Marty had vacation and so we went to Bear Lake on the Idaho/Utah border. It's a beautiful lake and we had a lot of fun. The only problem was that because it was the week before the holiday, no services were open and so we pretty much had to make our own entertainment. So we just played in the lake, built sandcastles, played kickball at camp and took some walks. We had a really good time and Jessica loved "camping". Ok, so we rented a cabin so it wasn't tent camping but it was close!

We've also been doing some hiking (when it hasn't been raining). We're very lucky that we have mountains and lots of trails right in our backyard. It's about a 5-10 minute drive from our house. Jessica has a blast just picking up rocks or looking for bugs. It's amazing how fascinating everything is when you're two! Her favorite this last time out was picking dandilions. She loved picking them and blowing them.

It's been raining a LOT here the past couple of weeks. We don't mind the rain except that we've had a looooong winter and we're just dying for some sunshine!!! The other day, we were in the car and it was raining and Jessica said, "Where did the sun go?" I told her it was hiding today. She paused and then said, "It's raining. I'm angry!!" Hahaha! I told her mommy was angry too! This kid cracks me up with the things she says.

Well, this is good for a first blog. I'll try to keep everyone updated as best as I can!