Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ok, I KNOW I haven't updated this in like FOREVER!!! But it's better late than never, right????

It was a long summer with being pregnant. The pregnancy went well but I was uncomfortable through most of it! I found out that I was anemic (no wonder I was soooo tired), thought I had gestational diabetes (which thankfully turned out not to be true) and just had tons of aches and pains!

But it was all worth it when on September 8th at about 5 o'clock in the morning I went into labor. We got to the hospital and I was almost 8 cm dilated! It was CRAZY. I was having full blown contractions. I'm not one for pain (I give it to all the women who give birth naturally but that's not for me!) so I asked for an epidural. They gave me something like an epidural but it only lasted for 3 hours. They figured that since I was so close, it would be plenty of time. However, the meds stopped my contractions! So they had to give me more medication to get them going again. It took three hours so just as the medication was wearing off, I was having hard labor again. Thankfully he was almost out and it just took a little pushing and he was here!!

Jacob Martin was born at 11:33 am and he is the MOST beautiful baby ever. Honestly, we are completely and totally in love with him. Our little boy had arrived!!!

Jessica is doing great! She loves him completely. She will tell everyone and anyone, "That's my baby Jake!" Sometimes, though, she loves him too much and "tickles" him. It's a daily mantra at our house to say, "Gentle touches" or "Not so hard". She doesn't mean to be rough, she just loves him so much. She's been a big help too.

Jessica started preschool in September (the day after Jake was born). We found a lady who does preschool in her house and thought it was a great place for Jess. She is doing so GOOD at preschool and she loves it so much! She is learning so much too. She has learned all the letters of her name and is working on writing them. She is counting really well, knows all her colors and shapes. She also stood up in front of the class the other day and did a "show and tell" with her stuffed giraffe. The teacher said she is a little "teacher's helper" and shows leadership qualities. She also said she is very smart and picks up on things quickly. We're so proud of her!!

Halloween was so much fun this year! Jessica wanted to be a tiger and she was a cute one!! We went to a friend's house to do trick or treating. This is the first year that Jessica has really gone T&T and she had a blast!! There were five kids in our group and they were all so adorable as they ran up to the door and said, "Trick or Treat" and opened their bags. It didn't take them long to figure out that if they did that, they got CANDY! They were so adorable running from house to house. And they came home with quite a loot.

Jake was baptized on November 9th at our church. He wore a cute, little white tuxedo suit. He looked gorgeous! He fussed while Pastor was talking but quieted down with the baptism. He loves Our good friends Maureen and Colby are his godparents. We are blessed to have them in our lives and know that they will hold Jake up in prayer always.

It's starting to get cold here but no snow so far. That usually comes sometime after Thanksgiving. We're starting to get ready for the holidays. Jessica is really into Christmas this year. She is excited to see Santa Clause although it remains to be seen if she'll sit on his lap this year. Hopefully with her little brother with her, she will.