Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's Snowing!

Well, it's winter time here in Idaho. We've had a TON of snow. It seemed like it started snowing and just didn't stop! I think one day we had something like 12 inches or some crazy number like that. Then it got really cold which meant ICE. That's not fun, especially for Marty who has to deliver mail in that stuff. One day he came home and told me he had slipped 3 times. Poor guy!

But the snow is beautiful. It was wonderful to have a White Christmas. Not ever having snow growing up, it's just fun to see. And Jessica really loves it this year. She loves to "make footprints" in it. And she built a snowman at school too. One day she told me, "Mommy, I love the snow."

Christmas was so much fun. Jessica was sooooo excited about Santa Claus. It just brought back so many wonderful childhood memories of the excitement of Christmas. I totally get now when people say it's for the children because there's nothing like seeing it through their eyes. Christmas Eve we went to church and had a wonderful service where we lit candles and sang Christmas songs. Then we came home and let Jessica open two presents. One was a new pair of pj's and the other was a game. This is a tradition that my parents always did with me. It helps with the excitement and anticipation of Christmas morning. So she put on her new jammies and we played the game (which she was really good at!).

Christmas morning, she slept in until 7am!! That was good for So we went downstairs and sitting under the tree was her lion. It's a robotic lion that blinks and roars and moves. She had seen it on t.v. and asked and asked for it. So that was the big present that Santa brought. She saw it under the tree and screams, "My Lion!!!" and ran up to it. It was so cute. She has taken him everywhere since and she named him "Roar". He is pretty cute.

Christmas dinner we went to our neighbors house, Marti & Phil. They are an older couple and just love Jessica and Jake. Marti is an awesome cook and she put on quite the spread. It was sooooo good. It was a wonderful day where we created wonderful Christmas memories.

Jake is 4 months old now. It's hard to believe. He has quite the personality. He smiles at just about anything and everything. He is a happy little guy! He also giggles (especially if you tickle him) and he's starting to "talk" which is so darn cute. He will just hold a conversation for a good 10 minutes with He's starting to try to roll over and grabbing for toys. He's also REALLY interested in the food that we eat. I'll have him on my lap while I'm eating my dinner and all of a sudden, I'll see the plate move. He will grab it and pull it to him...LOL. So at his 4 month appointment I told the doctor and he said to go ahead and start giving him some rice cereal since he seems so interested.

He's a big boy too. At his 4 month appt on Monday he weighed 14lbs 13oz. The kid is almost 15lbs!!!! He's also long. He was in the 75th percentile on length. So he's definitely going to be a bigger kid!

Life is crazy here with the little ones but we feel very blessed!